Friday, January 21, 2011

Dedication to EDUS 660: "...sometimes you have to make stuff up..."

Arriving home from a great first class last night, my husband and I settled down to watch one of our favorite TV shows, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Since we are also fans of PBS's NOVA, we were excited to replay Tuesday's episode in which Jon Stewart welcomed back one of his regular guests, Neil geGrasse Tyson, who is an astrophysicist and host of the new NOVA scienceNow program on PBS.

Of course, my ears perked up when I heard Neil deGrasse Tyson say the following:

"When you are on the frontier of knowledge, between what is known and unknown, reaching out into that abyss, sometimes you do actually have to make stuff up that might be true so that you can organize a research plan to find out whether or not it is."

Cheers to a great semester and to the stuff that we might have to make up!

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